Online Sermons

Online Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/23/16 The Social Gospel Examined Rodney Pitts Sermon Authority and Institutionalism Sun AM The_Social_Gospel_Examined.pdf The_Social_Gospel_Examined.mp3
10/16/16 Isaiah's Servant Song - No 1 - Isa 42 Rodney Pitts Sermon The Servant Songs of Isaiah Sunday Worship Isaiahs_Servant_Song_-_No_1_-_Isa_42.pdf Isaiahs_Servant_Song_-_No_1_-_Isa_42.mp3
10/09/16 New Testament Authority-Pt 2 - How to Determine What God Approves Rodney Pitts Sermon Authority and Institutionalism Sunday Worship Authority-Pt_2-How_to_Determine_What_God_Approves.pdf Authority-Pt_2-How_to_Determine_what_God_Approves.mp3
10/02/16 New Testament Authority - Foundation and Scope Rodney Pitts Sermon Authority and Institutionalism Sunday Worship NT_Authority-Foundation_and_Scope.pdf NT_Authority-Foundation_and_Scope.mp3
09/18/16 Raising Godly Children - Proper Discipline Rodney Pitts Sermon Raising Godly Children in a Secular World Sunday Worship Raising_Godly_Children-Proper_Discipline.pdf Raising_Godly_Children_-_Proper_Discipline.mp3
09/11/16 Raising Godly Children - Self-Worth and Personal Responsibility Rodney Pitts Sermon Raising Godly Children in a Secular World Sunday Worship Raising_Godly_Children-Self-Worth_and_Personal_Responsibility.pdf Raising_Godly_Children-Self-Worth_and_Personal_Responsibility.mp3
09/04/16 Raising Godly Children-Spirit vs Flesh Rodney Pitts Sermon Raising Godly Children in a Secular World Sunday Worship Raising_Godly_Children-Spirit_Vs_Flesh.pdf Raising_Godly_Children-Spirit_Vs_Flesh.mp3
08/28/16 Heaven - Pt 2 - What it Means to the Christian Rodney Pitts Sermon Heaven Sunday Worship Heaven_-_Pt_2_-_What_it_Means_to_the_Christian.pdf Heaven-Pt_2-What_it_Means_to_the_Christian.mp3
08/21/16 Heaven-Its Nature and Glory Rodney Pitts Sermon Heaven Sunday Worship Heaven_-_Pt_1_-_Its_Nature_and_Glory.pdf Heaven-Pt_1-Its_Nature_and_Glory.mp3
08/14/16 The LORD is His Name-Doxologies from Amos - Pt 2 Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship The_Lord_Is_His_Name-1640695109.pdf The_LORD_Is_His_Name-Doxologies_from_Amos_-_Pt_2.pdf The_LORD_is_His_Name-Doxologies_from_Amos_-_Pt2.mp3
08/07/16 The LORD is His Name-Doxologies from Amos - Pt 1 Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship The_Lord_Is_His_Name.pdf The_LORD_Is_His_Name-Doxologies_from_Amos_-_Pt_1.pdf The_LORD_is_His_Name-Doxologies_from_Amos_-_Pt_1.mp3
07/31/16 Christians are Spiritual Optimists - Pt 2 Rodney Pitts Sermon Spiritual Optimism Sunday Worship Christians_are_Spiritual_Optimists_-_Pt_2.mp3 Christians_are_Spiritual_Optimists_-_Pt_2.pdf
07/24/16 Christians are Spiritual Optimists - Pt 1 Rodney Pitts Sermon Spiritual Optimism Sunday Worship Christians_are_Spiritual_Optimists_-_Pt_1.pdf Christians_are_Spiritual_Optimists_-_Pt_1.mp3
07/17/16 Can We Know The Times and Seasons of Christ's Return? Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Can_We_Know_The_Times_and_Seasons_of_Christs_Return.pdf Can_We_Know_the_Times_and_Seasons_of_Christs_Return.mp3
07/10/16 Our Spiritual Enemy-His Names and Character Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Our_Spiritual_Enemy-Names_and_Character.pdf Our_Spiritual_Enemy-His_Names_and_Character.mp3
07/03/16 Do You Know Yourself Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Do_You_Know_Yourself.pdf Do_You_Know_Yourself.mp3
06/26/16 God's Vineyard - Isa 5 - John 15 Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Gods_Vineyard-Isa_5.pdf Gods_Vineyard-Isa_5.mp3
06/19/16 Understanding Greatness Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Understanding_Greatness.pdf Understanding_Greatness.mp3
06/12/16 Scriptural Use of the Church Building Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Scriptural_Use_of_the_Church_Building.pdf Scriptural_Use_of_the_Church_Building.mp3
06/05/16 Memorials Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Memorials.pdf Memorials.mp3
05/22/16 Isaiah 61 - The Work of the Blessed Rodney Pitts Sermon Isaiah 61 Sunday Worship Isaiah_61-The_Work_of_the_Blessed.pdf Isaiah_61-The_Work_of_the_Blessed.mp3
05/15/16 A Waiting God Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship A_Waiting_God.pdf A_Waiting_God.mp3
05/08/16 Isaiah 61 - God's Herald of Good Tidings Rodney Pitts Sermon Isaiah 61 Sunday Worship Isaiah_61-Gods_Herald_of_Good_Tidings.pdf Isaiah_61-Gods_Herald_of_Good_Tidings.mp3
05/01/16 Why Should The Young Serve God? Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Why_Should_the_Young_Serve_God.pdf Why_Should_The_Young_Serve_God.mp3
04/24/16 I Will Pour Out My Spirit - 4 Rodney Pitts Sermon When God Poured Out His Spirit Sunday Worship I_Will_Pour_Out_My_Spirit_-_4.mp3 I_Will_Pour_Out_My_Spirit_-_Pt_4.pdf

Displaying 376 - 400 of 504

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