Online Sermons

Online Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/27/14 Being a Light to the World Jordan Shouse Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Being a Light to the World.mp3
07/20/14 Putting On Poisitive Virtues - Col. 3:12-17 Rodney Pitts Sermon God's Expectations for the Elect Sunday Worship Putting On Positive Virtues - Col 3 12-17.pdf Putting On Positive Virtues - Col 3 12-17.mp3
07/13/14 Putting to Death Sinful Ways - Col. 3:5-11 Rodney Pitts Sermon God's Expectations for the Elect Sunday Worship Put to Death Earthly Ways - Col 3 5-11.pdf Put To Death Earthly Ways - Col 3 5-11.mp3
07/06/14 Setting Our Minds On Things Above - Col. 3:1-4 Rodney Pitts Sermon God's Expectations for the Elect Sunday Worship Setting Our Minds on Things Above - Col 3 1-4.pdf Setting Our Minds On Things Above - Col 3 1-4.mp3
06/29/14 True Spirituality Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship True Spirituality.pdf True Spirituality.mp3
06/22/14 Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone-Relationships and Hospitality Rodney Pitts Sermon Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone Sunday Worship Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone - Relationships and Hospitality.pdf Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone-Relationship and Hospitality.mp3
06/15/14 Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone Rodney Pitts Sermon Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone Sunday Worship Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zone.pdf Breaking Out Of Our Comfort Zone.mp3
06/08/14 Correctly Handling The Word Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Correctly Handling The Word.pdf Correctly Handling The Word.mp3
06/01/14 Judging Works by the Proper Standard-Pt 2-Answering Critics Rodney Pitts Sermon Works Sunday Worship Judging Our Works by the Proper Standard-Pt 2 - Answering Critics.pdf 2014-6-1-Judging Works by the Proper Standard - Pt 2 - Answering Critics.mp3
05/25/14 Will You Be Saved? Daryl Uthus Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Will You Be Saved.mp3
05/18/14 Judging Works by the Proper Standard Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Judging Works by the Proper Standard.pdf Judging Works by the Proper Standard.mp3
05/11/14 The God Who Was A Carpenter Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship The God Who Was A Carpenter-5-11-2014.pptx The God Who Was A Carpenter-5-11-14.mp3
05/04/14 Goading the World Toward Conversion Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Goading the World Toward Conversion-5-4-2014.pptx Goading the World Toward Conversion-5-4-2014.mp3
04/27/14 Our Hope In Christ Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Our Hope In Christ-4-27-2014.mp3 Our Hope In Christ-4-27-2014.pptx
04/20/14 Can God Reject The Jews? - Romans 9 - Part 3 Rodney Pitts Sermon Romans 9 - Calvinism Sunday Worship Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Pt 3.pdf Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Part 3.mp3
04/13/14 Can God Reject The Jews? - Romans 9 - Part 2 Rodney Pitts Sermon Romans 9 - Calvinism Sunday Worship Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Pt 2.pdf Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Part 2.mp3
04/06/14 Can God Reject The Jews? - Romans 9 - Part 1 Rodney Pitts Sermon Romans 9 - Calvinism Sunday Worship Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Pt 1.pdf Can God Reject the Jews-Romans 9-Part 1.mp3
03/30/14 What Visitors Have a Right to Expect Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship What Visitors Have the Right To Expect.pdf What Visitors Have a Right to Expect.mp3
03/16/14 Why Do We Exist? Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Why_Do_We_Exist.pdf Why_Do_We_Exist.mp3
03/09/14 A Sermon Preached 17 Years Ago Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship A_Sermon_Preached_17_Years_Ago.pdf A_Sermon_Preached_17_Years_Ago.mp3
03/02/14 Without Fault-Holding Fast the Word Rodney Pitts Sermon Shining as Lights - Phil. 2:12-16 Sunday Worship Without_Fault-Holding_Fast_Word.pdf Without_Fault-Holding_Fast_the_Word.mp3
04/14/13 Israel and the Cloud-A Study in Biblical Authority Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Israel_and_the_Cloud-A_Study_of_Biblical_Authority.mp3 Israel_And_The_Cloud-A_Study_in_Biblical_Authority.pdf
02/03/13 Hell-A Place of Eternal Torment Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Hell-A Place of Eternal Torment.mp3 Hell-A Place of Eternal Torment.pdf
01/27/13 Heaven Is Worth The Price Rodney Pitts Sermon N/A Sunday Worship Heaven I Worth The Price-1-27-13.mp3 Heaven-It Is Worth The Price-1-21-13.pdf
01/20/13 Miracles 3-Impartation and Duration Rodney Pitts Sermon Miracles Sunday Worship Miracles 3-Impartation and Duration -1-20-2013.pptx Miracles 3-Impartation and Duration -1-20-2013.mp3

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